Thursday 20 March 2008

Full Throttle Ahead

It appears I'm taking steps in the right direction. The future may not be orange, but it's most certainly bright.

What am I talking about, you say? I speak of the next chapter in my life, once my time as an assistant comes to an end. It took me long enough to decide to apply for teacher training, and it took even longer to arrange an interview. But arranged it I did, and offered a place I was.

Then came the hardest part: accepting the place. I heard last Tuesday that I'd been accepted at my first choice training provider. And it took me until yesterday (a whole 8 days later) to make a firm acceptance. All the forms have been filled in and sent. And now it's down to one key element: organisation; it's key so that I can breeze into my new life in Angleterre du nord come September. This is going to be hard. Not only am I pretty much incapable of organising myself more than a few days in advance, there's the disadvantage that not much help is provided to aid me throughout the process. Nope: it's all down to me.

So as I embark on the first step towards the aforementioned organisation, namely getting all my crap sorted so everything is in order, just do one thing for me:

Make sure I'm doing it!!

1 comment:

CQ said...

You can do it! GO! WOOOOOO!